About Gtrans

Vision & Mission

Mid-to-Long-Term (2024–2030) Management Strategy Framework


Enhancing residents' mobility rights and happiness through safe and convenient transportation services


A leading agency in smart transportation services trusted by residents

Core Values

Core Values : Trust, Collaboration, Innovation, Expertise

Mid-Term Management Goals

Recognition as an outstanding customer satisfaction agency

Achieving 130% operating income,
leading in public data delivery and operation

Excellence in ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) Management

Strategic Directions and Initiatives

Delivering Transportation Services chose by province residents
  • 1. Strengthening stable public passenger and transportation services.
  • 2. Enhancing transportation convenience for socially vulnerable groups.
  • 3. Systematizing customer-centered transportation service promotion and improvements.
Driving Management Innovation Residents Expect
  • 4. Establishing a leading role in future-oriented mobility and transportation systems.
  • 5. Advancing data-driven and digital transportation service platforms.
  • 6. Enhancing organizational competitiveness through efficient resource management.
Practicing ESG Management Residents Trust
  • 7. Promoting carbon neutrality and eco-friendly management tailored to Gyeonggi Province.
  • 8. Strengthening and protecting labor and human rights.
  • 9. Realizing innovation and shared growth in Gyeonggi Province.
  • 10. Enhancing G-Trans governance and transparent management.

Operational Framework

Operational Support for Strategic Execution
Establishing and Operating the Management Strategy Framework
Monitoring and Feedback Based on PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act)